The Framework for Bloggers
Generate income the simple way with Digital Assets
Your Instructor
Hi! I'm Jodi from Wealthy N Wise.
After years of working in and running small businesses, I left the workforce to begin my work at home career.
I had a God-sized Dream to follow a calling I knew he had placed in my heart. But I also knew that my family needed an income and my biggest fear was that I couldn't find a legitmate opportunity to replace my salary.
As it turned out, the problem ended up being much the opposite.
I quickly realized that there are so many online opportunities that I had trouble deciding which one to pursue.
I found myself purchasing every course I could find.
I was creating websites, building followings, creating products, and running email campaigns.
I had a store on nearly every online marketplace. I was earning affiliate income from my blog. I even dabbled in direct sales. I was looking for the right fit.
Everything I tried was lucrative and plausible, it just didn't fit the dream I had for my life.
I finally realized that success is in the eye of the beholder. If I was giving up ALL of my free time to "build a business" then no matter how much profit I made, I really wasn't doing any better than I had done with my 9 to 5.
At least as a full time teacher I had my summers off.
And that's when it hit me. I know how to run a business. I know how to market. I know how to write. I know how to create. But at heart I AM A TEACHER.
Suddenly, I knew for sure that I could abandon every other avenue I had built.
I got out my pad and paper and began writing down every single thing I had learned: every tip, every trick, every guide. I set creating an outline out combining all of the most relevant info from the courses I had taken and I eliminated all of the so-called "secrets to success" that lead to dead-ends. How I wish I had had someone to warn me against following every "free" tip I learned on pinterest. Just remember, nothing is ever truly free.
Starting from scratch is confusing and overwhelming. I knew I wanted to lay out simple, practical guides for building a business while simultaneously focusing on a God-centered business model.
I am so excited to be a part of your journey and I hope you'll find EXACTLY what you need!